Ephesians 5:8-13
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
This verse really is what "Exposing Narnia" is all about. We as Christians should walk in light and expose whatever things are not of light but darkness. This can be hard and dangerous but we must be like Daniel, willing to stand up for what we believe. And trust God for the results!
Let's not fall asleep as Christians, but remain awake and awaiting the Masters return.
Ephesians 5:14
“ Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”
"...willing to stand up for what we believe. And trust God for the results!"
So far you have done a good job of it. I do wish that more people would comment here. I am running out of things to write.
Robert L.
Great point Lauren!
I like the pictures you edited:)
Lots of Love
THANK YOU for doing this blog. I feel the exact same way about Narnia! (from what I've read so far...I've not read every post)
C.S.Lewis was exposed to paganism, and it was not kept out of his books. I'd say most of the Narnia books are based in occultic paganism and witchcraft, and since it gives people 'thrills' and 'excitement' when they read it, they think it must be good, and attribute it to the 'symbolism' of Aslan representing Christ and the White Witch representing Satan. Yikes. I've said more than I started out to. :) Anyway, Would you mind if I did a post on my blog with a link to this one, encouraging my Narnia-loving friends to check it out?
Julia from Julia's Journal
Thanks for the encouragement! It is difficult to find people who have the same beliefs about Narnia and most of C.S Lewis work.
I would be honored for you to do a post with a link to this blog! It is my prayer that this message would reach as many people as possible, after that its up to the Holy Spirit!
In Christ,
Lauren Ashley
Have you even seen the movies?
I do agree with you on some things; I do not believe that is was right for the "White Witch" in Narnia to represent the Devil. (I do NOT believe that the Devil is a female.)
I also do NOT believe that C.S. Lewis should have put Aslan to represent Christ.
(Thou shalt make no graven images.. for the Lord you God is a jealous God...)
Aslan's healing powers toward Reepicheap, I thought, were somewhat blasphemous, but I do not believe that Narnia is all bad.
(and please, don't take me wrong, I am not mad of frustrated with you, just writing down my thoughts.)
I do agree that C.S. Lewis was exposed to paganisim.
Also, in Prince Caspian, the horse-guy, I can't remember his name, was supposedly "watching the stars for signs", I did NOT agree with this.
I DO agree that we must be careful about Narnia, and not get too absorbed in the fantasy world, we have better things to do than, so to speak, "travel to Narnia" by watching the movies or reading the books too much.
It IS better to be reading the Bible than it is to be watching or reading Narnia.
I have not read the books, so I don't know how much difference there is between the books and the movies.
I do enjoy reading your blogs...keep up the good work! :D
Thanks for the comment! I can see that you have thought about the subject and see some of the problems with C.S Lewis Chronicles of Narnia.
It is important to sort through things, it is part of the process of forming a conviction! I would encourage you to read and pray through some of the different scriptures I have listed on this blog. As you said, the Bible is the most important thing for us to read! (Although this does not mean we can never read anything else, there is no book which is better than the Bible:)
I have seen the first disney movie, and watched the older versions, and read the books. As of yet I have not seen "Prince Caspian", but may do so some time as I do not believe it is a sin to read/watch them!
I believe that we should approach all books and movies with our spiritual armor in place, discerning what is and is not profitable. As Paul said, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." 1 Corinthians 6:12
Thanks again for the comment and encouragement! I have been to your blog before, your love for the Lord and desire to serve Him is beautifully evident!
In Christ,
Lauren Ashley
Thank you Lauren,
I will consider what you have said.
(and thanks for visiting my blog!:)
Hi Lauren!
I just surfed in thru "Far Russia" blog. Here's my take on C.S. Lewis and Narnia: he was a Christian, and the Chronicles (which I loved as a kid) have some great Christian allegory in them. However, you cannot and should not push the analogies too far -- they were never intended to replace biblical soteriology. It bothers me far more that churches and CT were coming up with Narnia "Bible studies" after the release of the 1st movie a few years ago. Lewis would be rolling over in his grave.
I read the books in 6th grade (I'm now 37) so I may have missed a lot. However, I do remember the universalist bent of The Last Battle's last scene, and I know that C.S. Lewis was not a universalist. So...this is where I guess I would say - it's just fiction, with some Christian allegory - NOT theology. Just as "The Screwtape Letters" do not represent private revelation. But, I could well be wrong and am very much interested in reading your site here. Obviously you have put a lot of work and research into this - well done!
Hi Marie!
Thanks for the comment, it's so good to know that people are reading this site and taking seriously some of the things I have posted! I appreciate your thoughts - and definitely agree that it is regrettable so many churches are making the "Chronicles of Narnia" into something they never were.
I encourage you to keep reading, especially some of the links on the side!
Your Sister in Christ,
Lauren Ashley
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